Monday, 30 April 2012

My final joiner!

I did my finished Joiner in the filed opposite my house! its huge!, i went and they had just stopped doing work on the pond, so i took a load of pictures to make this joiner

I went to the location with my little brother jack, and took over +70 and then opened them into photoshop by clicking on file then automate and then photomerge.

I then had the box to choose the pictures and if i wanted to blend them together, 

i un-ticked the blend all together button to make sure that they would blend together when it had uploaded them
they took there time and at some points it looked like this

then it went to this where i could add pieces together and rearrange 
i made sure that all the pieces that i could use where there and then rearranged them to look like this 
and i think this is really good, i had to mind some stuff that was still there from the builders but all in all it was a good day, i saved it by clicking file and then save as, i then changed it to a jpeg, and saved it as my final joiner, i could have done better and had better lighting and a better place to take the 70something shots but i think i did well with the amount of space i had

Wednesday, 25 April 2012


The history of Photography copy right!, 

Photography copyright was created in 1988 and was called the design and patents act, it was and is to stop people from stealing your pictures and saying that the pictures are there own... the act came about, when film photography was about, when if you took a picture the copyright started as soon as the film was developed, but know as its digital photography is know the main things that people use the copyright has gone up to 70 years it lasts the life of the creator which would be well us as the photographer, if there is anyone in employment and they have taken a picture then it will be the  photo as they will pay the person who took it, these are the legal requirements and ethical issues related to digital images....