Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Work with Lorna!

We did the same thing we normally do, but with a difference, we did it like Hockney, we made the pictures all poladoridie...... and i got mad cause it didn't do it right as that was my fault but then i stuck to it and found out that doing my keyring was a bad idea and they were way to small, so i got mad while doing the picture then changed the picture and tried not to stress out....

i like this picture but it went wrong, the left and right side's have gone wrong, they were not the right size and they just didn't look good, 
so i took some more pictures of the same cards and got this 
i took this one, changed the size of the canves, i then put a colour on the background which as you can see is black...., i think having the black background makes it stand out more i am going to try it with a white background and i am going to have it in black and white but on a black background
here's the one with it in black and white, but with a white background
i then did some more but did it with some of the pictures i took on photobooth, i did this to make an example of a collage, photomontage, and i think it turned out great 

we then went and took some portrait pictures of anyone, and then opened it in photoshop to then add there face's together, 
So we opened it up in photoshop by dragging them into the app, 
We then added one of the people face's to the background 
and it is there in a layer with the background images, the two people are my friends who kindly said they would do it for me 
i then added a mask to the top layer 
i then got the select tool and selected a bit that i wanted to make into shannon
i then did this over and over again 
i then thought that that wasn't enough, this is my first attempt so it was a-bit crappy the heads aren't in the right place's but it looks awesome 
I then got this 
but i got bored so i did some more
and this is the out come 
i think this is really good but i think the first one is amazing! 

I need to do some more pictures and i will be taking more pictures and joining there face's together and so expect more..... 

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